Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Hawaii - Maui birding - April 12, 2019

After packing and eating a quick breakfast - it was off to the airport for a short shuttle ride to Kauai...but first as we where passing the Kealia Pond NWR we decided to make one last stop.

As it turned out the stop proved rather productive as we added a Chestnut Munia and Java Sparrow to my life list.

Java Sparrow - Daniel Jauvin
Chestnut Munia

Chestnut Munia - Luke Seitz
Java Sparrow

As we left Maui my life list was a 537.

We boarded the plane at 11:30am and arrived in Kauai at 12:45pm and after picking up luggage and rental car we headed for Kilauea Point NWR on the northern end of the island arriving at 3;30pm. My search for the Laysan Albatross was about to begin.

More on this on the next post.

Until then good birding.

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